EPCF Breakfast Debate | The status of trade in Ceramics, in the current EU trade policy context | 11 October | European Parliament, Brussels

On behalf of Ms. Elisabetta Gualmini MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF), it is our pleasure to invite you to join the EPCF Breakfast Debate on the topic: “The status of trade in Ceramics, in the current EU trade policy context”, which will take place on Wednesday 11 October, from 08h00-09h00, at the Members’ Salon, in the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.

The EPCF has its roots in the 1994-1999 Parliament, and it provides a platform for the exchange of views between EU institutions and the ceramic industry on relevant EU policies. Participants of this Forum are Members of the European Parliament, officials, and policymakers from national and EU authorities, high-level representatives of the ceramic industry, and European trade unions.


The EPCF Breakfast Debate: Trade and Ceramics will be opened by a keynote speech from the Deputy Director General - Chief Trade Enforcement Officer (DG TRADE, European Commission), Mr. Denis Redonnet, followed by interventions from industry representatives and the status of trade in ceramics and more particularly on the EU-India FTA currently in negotiation. To ensure a meaningful exchange on this topic, the second half of the event will be dedicated to a Q&A session where priority will be given to interventions by attending MEPs and officials from EU member states.


Please find below an overview of the Programme:


Moderator: Renaud Batier, Director General, Cerame-Unie

Opening Remarks

MEP Elisabetta Gualmini, Chair of the EPCF, Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, European Parliament


Keynote Speech

Denis Redonnet, Deputy Director General and CTEO, DG Trade, European Commission


The status of trade in ceramics and its supply chains

Leonardo Mosca, Senior Trade Policy Manager, Cerame-Unie


EU-India FTA – perspectives from the ceramic industry

Filippo Manuzzi, CEO and Brand Manager, Ceramiche Sant’Agostino, Chair of the Commercial Relations Committee of Confindustria Ceramica


Questions & Answers


We would be honoured to welcome you on this occasion. Should you be interested in attending this event, please proceed with your registration through the following LINK, before Friday 29 September.


You will receive an automatic reply confirming your registration (please remember to check spam). If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us through events@cerameunie.eu.